Monday, January 1, 2018

November and December

This is my seventh try at uploading these pictures.  I don't know what is going on :( 

Happy New Year!  
I was hoping to get these up the first time, a week ago, so that you could share with family but you can always send them the link.  The flu has hit the Vetter house, times two, so I hope everyone is healthy and happy at your houses.  

Here are the latest and greatest pictures.  These begin just after Thanksgiving and go though the last day of school before winter break.  Enjoy :)

We got headphone splitters!  ;) 

Birthday Boy!

We had an author study in between Thanksgiving and the first of December.  Todd Parr is one of my favorite authors and he even responded to my tweet of the kids reading his books :)

Morning fine motor skill practice

Character Counts winners :) 


Science... melting experiments

Testing the melting time for cubed iced vs. crushed ice

Morning time... spelling apps and spinning tops

Making cards for our classmate, Jeremy, who moved with this family at the beginning of January.  We miss you Jeremy! 

Literacy Centers


We all made friendship bracelets to send Jeremy off on his last day with us.  

Science ~ separating colors

Science ~ magnets part 1

Thanks to Mrs. Brown... we are LOVING our Guided Reading Group flashlights.  Yes, I crawl under the table too ;) 

Winner of the MOST Soaring with Pride stickers :)
Celebration ~ Dance Party in the gym

We have been working hard on separating stories into their beginnings, middles and ends.  Hopefully, you have been able to do the same with books at home.  

 The PTA sponsored a wonderful day of a book exchange.  Students brought in books that they no longer read and everyone in the school was able to choose TWO new books to take home!
Thank you UES PTA!

Science ~ Magnets part 2
(trying to determine if the force will travel through our new books, among other things!)

We are so blessed to have so many different holidays celebrated by our Kinders.  We shared our own family traditions.  

Math ~ Teen numbers
We have been building teen numbers with a variety of different manipulative and tools.

Happy Hanukkah!
We made menorahs with our fingerprint candle flames :)

Mrs. Blumenthal visited us, along with Mrs. Crosby's class, to talk about Hanukkah traditions. 

We very much enjoyed the Chorus Concert, led by Mr. Grimm and our very own Mrs. Leftwich.

The kids requested that I make a slo-mo for your viewing pleasure ;)

Reindeer games, Math style :)

We hope that you all enjoyed your reindeer ornaments :) 

Reading time while we wait for all the buses to be called for dismissal

S. T. E. M. project
Gingerbread houses :)

What fun we had at our school-wide Holiday Sing-a-long :)

We had a great time visiting our Buddies.
Mrs. Wills generously served us hot chocolate and the Kinders taught the third graders how to play "Greater Than" with their gingerbread men card deck. 

Finally it was time for math and we graphed our "first bites" of gingerbread cookies!  
A great way to end 2017 in Kindergarten.  

Put them to bed early tonight for me, please!  It's going to be a big day tomorrow!  :)