Sunday, October 5, 2014

October News

As we begin October , I want to commend the kids for remembering to return their library books on time.  Mrs. Wright told me on Wednesday that our class had 100% returns and therefore all the kids were able to check out a new book.  

A few reminders are as follows.  Please remember to check blue folders nightly.  Important information is sent home this way.  Look out for information regarding our Fall Party very soon.  

The K team wants to remind parents to please keep in mind that the weather is changing and students need to dress appropriately. When we go out for recess it can be chilly and the grass is sometimes wet with dew. We do recommend wearing sneakers because they are safe and best for playing outside.  Please label your child's jacket.  

Language Arts:  Our focus will shift from the Student of the Day interviews and books to literature.  We will continue discussing concepts about print.  We will continue Saxon Phonics. Please remember to check your child’s red folder and remove the papers. We will continue talking about rhyming, and continue working in our poetry folders. Please remember to return the book baggies and word rings in the smaller bags each day.  When students come to the teaching table, we use the book from the previous night as well as the rings.  It is important for each child to have his/her own materials.  

Math: We will continue practicing to identify numbers 0 to 10. Students will be expected to recognize, write and make sets from 0 to 10. We will be looking at sets of numbers and talking about the concept of adding one. We continue sorting objects into groups and identifying the amount. We also will continue identifying attributes and sorting according to those attributes.  

Social Studies: We have completed our unit on getting along and are not going to begin our fire safety unit. Fire prevention week is October 6th – 12th. Please return your permission slip for the field trip to the firehouse. Be looking out for information on The Address Club later this month.

Science: We will be talking about our five senses. We will be exploring the Fall season using our five senses.

What can I do with my Child at home?
·        Play I Spy, “I spy something that begins with the letter A, -a”
·        Write letters in shaving cream, flour, play-doh, gallon size bag with paint inside (zipped).
·        Explore writing. “Write about your favorite activity” and label.  Have your child stretch out (segment) the words and write down all of the sounds he/she hears.
·        Read a book together and talk about print concepts and comprehension skills, “Where is the title? What is the job of the author/illustrator? I am at the end of the sentence, where do I go next? What happened in the story? How does the illustrator show the reader how the character is feeling?”
·        Count a specific type of car while you are driving “Let’s count all of the vans we see.”
·        Create a fire escape plan. You must have two exits in your home and a meeting place outside the home.

Important Dates:
October 7th- Field Trip to Urbana Firehouse
October 17th- No School
October 23rd- Math Night
October 31st- Fall Festival

                        2-hr early dismissal

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