Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Late October into early November

Good Morning!  We have been so busy and time is flying.  Here we are in the second quarter already... reading and writing up a storm, making connections between texts and personal experiences, exploring our world as scientists, strengthening our mathematical thinking, listening, sharing, imagining, wondering, playing, practicing fine motor skills, showing kindness and respect, creating works of art, running and learning to use gross motor skills, singing and dancing, working in teams, sharing ideas and evaluating ideas, making predictions and thinking critically.  It's a wonder we have time to eat our lunch!  ;)

We are so thankful to Mrs. Briest for submitting our Kindergarten work to the Morning Announcement Crew.  We have been thrilled to see our KinderArtists featured during the morning announcements.  

Number sense games to gain fluency.

As we continued our study of the Five Senses, we ran an experiment using our sense of taste.  Apples! Green, yellow and red were all a big hit and we charted the results of our favorites.  

Another Write-the-Room activity.  They cannot get enough of these!  This one was designed to practice color words recognition and usage.  

Now this was a very fun way to explore all five senses!

Not bad considering I had 25 Kinders "helping" me and not other adult in the room!  

We are drying our seeds to plant in the spring.  The kids will have grown their very own pumpkins in first grade :) 

Our third grade Buddies came to introduce themselves and visit with us.

Another favorite activity is our Spotlight Search.  Here the kids were searching and writing during our phonics lesson.  

Time for the parade :)

Many, many thanks so Mrs. Gore and Ms. Romans for a wonderful Fall Party.  We had a blast! 

Jump ropes have been a big hit lately.  

And always... balls...

and monkey bars!

More math games to practice subitizing, conservation and fluency. 

Now THIS... this is AUTHORS at work!  :)  So proud of these writers!

A little recess basketball ;)
